Dont for Viola

"Don't for Viola" is a set of exercises and studies tailored for viola players. It is based on the methodologies of Jakob Dont, a notable violinist and composer. These exercises are designed to enhance various aspects of viola playing, including bowing techniques, finger dexterity, and agility. It is a valuable resource for viola players aiming to elevate their technical skills and musical expressiveness.

Enhance Your Viola Skills with Dont for Viola Study Material

Dont Studies And Caprices For Viola (Schott)

Jakob Dont was an Austrian violinist, composer, and teacher renowned for his educational works. A famous work of his is 'Etüden und Capricen' Op. 35, a collection of studies and caprices arranged for the viola by Max Rostal. Dont's works cover various technical demands such as arpeggios, double stops, dexterity, change of position, legato, change of string, types of bowing, trills, and appoggiaturas. Born on March 2, 1815, he was a member of the Hofburgtheater orchestra and later joined the Vienna Hofkapell. Dont became a professor at the Padagogisches Institut in Vienna and taught at the Wiener Konservatorium. His students included Leopold Auer.

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