Open 6 Days: Tue-Sat 9-4, Sun 10-2. Mondays closed.


Julius Sturm is a talented composer, best known for his contributions to the world of bass music. His innovative approach to composition, coupled with his deep understanding of rhythm and harmony, has led to the creation of unique and compelling bass music. His compositions are characterized by their complexity, depth, and the intense emotions they evoke, making him a respected figure in the bass music scene.

Julius Sturm: Innovator & Master of Bass Music Composition

Sturm, 110 Studies Op. 20 For String Bass

Wilhelm Strum's 110 Studies, Op. 20 Volume 1 is a 42-page book for double bass players. Published by International Music Co. and edited by Fred Zimmerman, it's a valuable resource for novice and experienced players. The book has diverse exercises to refine techniques and is meticulously designed and well-organized for those looking to improve their playing skills.

$59.95 Price


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