Bach, Six Sonatas And Partitas For Viola (IMC)
Bach, Six Sonatas and Partitas for Viola (IMC)
This edition of the Brandenburg Concerto provides a modern performance material for Baroque music that fulfils the requirements of performers.
This edition of the Brandenburg Concerto provides a modern performance material for Baroque music that fulfils the requirements of performers.
The Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 has only two chords instead of a "slow movement". Bach probably intended the solo instruments to perform an improvisation here, as Handel did in his organ concertos. However, while it may be easy for a proficient organ soloist to improvise in Handel's music, it is impossible for the nine solo parts in Bach's piece.
Emil Platen's solution provides an unstructured expansion preceding the two chords written by Bach. It employs all the string instruments and incorporates stylistic elements of the concerto while avoiding the impression of being an independent movement.
Bach, Six Sonatas and Partitas for Viola (IMC)
This edition of the Brandenburg Concerto provides a modern performance material for Baroque music that fulfils the requirements of performers.
BACH: 6 Suites
Per viola - For viola
Transcritte dall'originale per violoncello - Transcribed from the original for violoncello
(Bruno Giuranna)
Ricordi Edition
Bach, 4 Duets for Violin and Viola (Universal)
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