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Vivaldi, Antonio

Antonio Vivaldi was born in Venice, Italy, and lived the majority of his time there. He learned to play the violin from his father, and the two would often perform together. And after becoming a priest, Antonio started to learn and perform the violin. Because of his fiery red locks, he was dubbed the "Red Priest." Antonio was unable to tell Mass for a while due to his severe asthma. Vivaldi lived the rest of his life composing music and studying. He taught at a girls' orphanage and composed a ton of music for them to play. People traveled long distances to hear Vivaldi's gifted students play his magnificent songs. Many consider Vivaldi to be the greatest Italian composer of his day. He composed concertos, operas, church music, and a variety of other works. Antonio composed over 500 concertos in total. The Four Seasons is his most well-known collection of concertos.

Viola Compositions of Antonio Vivaldi | Animato Strings


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