Open 6 Days: Tue-Sat 9-4, Sun 10-2. Mondays closed.

Del Borgo

Elliot Del Borgo, born in Port Chester, NY, holds a bachelor’s degree from the State University of New York, a music education degree from Temple University, and a master’s degree from the Philadelphia Conservatory of Music. He studied theory and composition with Vincent Persichetti and trumpet with Gilbert Johnson. In 1973, he was granted the doctoral equivalency by the State University of New York and was elected to membership in the American Bandmasters Association in 1993. Mr. Del Borgo taught instrumental music in the Philadelphia Public Schools and was a Professor of Music at the Crane School of Music from 1966 to 1995. As an award-winning ASCAP member, he is well-known as a conductor of bands and orchestras and has published nearly 500 compositions for various media. His music, which reflects the aesthetics of twentieth-century musical ideals through its eclectic nature and vigorous harmonic and rhythmic style, has left an indelible mark on the music world, inspiring and enriching countless listeners and performers.

Del Borgo


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