NS Design CR Shoulder strap System for Cello & Double Bass
NS Design CR Shoulder strap System for Cello & Double Bass. The Shoulder strap gives the player full mobility and the freedom to play virtually any position without stress and fatigue.
NS Design CR Shoulder strap System for Cello & Double Bass
The NS Design CR Shoulder strap gives the player full mobility and the freedom to play virtually any position without stress and fatigue. The simple design incorporates two arms support and a pivoting friction hub that holds the instrument firmly in place yet allows it to be moved into virtually any position with the hands and body as it is played.
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NS Design NXTa 5 String Double Bass. Electronics are entirely based around the Polar™ Pickup System, sharing the classic body design, ergonomics and performance support options of the CR and EU Series. Available in 4 and 5-string configurations, these instruments are produced in the Czech Republic by the same craftsmen who build NS Design’s most advanced instruments.
Yamaha SLB300 Silent Double Bass. SLB300 is one of Yamaha's standout instruments in the genre of the electric upright bass. This bass can provide you with realistic playability and acoustic bass sound featuring:
• A larger internal camber for true acoustic bass resonance
NS Design WAV4 Double Bass. The WAV proudly shares the same elegant, modern body design, ergonomics and performance support options of its companions in the NS line. The WAV's Polar pickup system includes a convenient toggle switch between Arco and Pizzicato modes.
FOR THE BASSIST ENTERING THE WORLD OF THE PURE ELECTRIC UPRIGHT, this instrument offers a combination of design, performance, and affordability exceeding any other instrument in its class. True to the NS tradition, the WAV readily captures the essence of an acoustic yet opens up a wide range of new possibilities.
NS Design NXTa 4 String Double Bass. Electronics are entirely based around the Polar™ Pickup System and share the classic body design, ergonomics and performance support options of the CR and EU Series. Available in 4 and 5-string configurations, these instruments are produced in the Czech Republic by the same craftsmen who build NS Design’s most advanced instruments.