European Violin 19th Century
This is a European Violin dated 19th Century available on the Animato Strings website.
This Labelled Josef Kreuzinger violin was made in 1924 in Markneukirchen. Josef Kreuzinger worked in Markneukirchen Germany in about 1940.
Josef Kreuzinger (1904 – c. after 1947) was born in 1904. He worked in Markneukirchen Germany in about 1940. His works were deemed excellent and professional.
This is a European Violin dated 19th Century available on the Animato Strings website.
This Violin is made in Germany for Knilling (USA) prob. Bubenreuth in about 1970. Knilling Violins c/o was named after Johannes Knilling (1795 -1842), a famous German luthier in the 17th century.
This is a German-French Style Violin. This is one of many of Animato Strings' largest selections of new and old stringed instruments in Australia, including Asian-hand-made, European, U.S., Australian, and Antique stringed instruments. Added to the list are the original Animato String brands.
This violin was made in Germany around 1900. This is one of Animato Strings' largest selections of new and old instruments in Australia including Asian-handcrafted instruments, new European instruments, and a wide range of antique stringed instruments such this 100 year old German Violin.
This violin was made in France around 1925. We have more details on the images where you can view various features of this particular instrument.
This is a French Style violin made in Germany. This is one of many of Animato Strings' largest selections of new and old instruments including Asian-handcrafted instruments, European instruments as well as antique stringed instruments, and many more.
This violin is a Nicolo Amati Model by A Monzino and Figli Milano made in Italy around 1920 as seen on the label. Antonio Monzino is a string instrument maker in Milan, Italy. He founded his first workshop in 1750 in Milan, via Rastrelli 10.
French violin c. 1900 Features:
• Medium dark reddish brown varnish
• Yellow and black striped purfling both at the front and back
• A unique and remarkable drawing symbol at the upper center part of the back
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