Elliott, Ready Steady Go for Double Bass (Bartholomew)
This instructional book, "Ready, Steady, Go!" gradually develops the left-hand and bowing techniques while teaching music reading skills. It begins with a few simple open-string tunes to help the students familiarize themselves with bowing movements before introducing the left hand. The book employs relative solfa to establish a sense of pitch and rhythm and to develop note-reading skills.
Technical skills are presented sequentially to ensure the student develops a strong technical foundation. By the end of the book, students can read and play in the first position while also playing by ear in other positions. The book covers key signatures with up to two sharps, simple and compound time signatures, and a range of note values such as minims, crotchets, quavers, and semiquavers, in addition to crotchet rests.
Simple two-note slurs on one string or changing strings, along with opportunities to develop various bow strokes, are introduced. There are also several tunes with piano accompaniments to provide the student with further playing experience.