Bach, Three Sonatas For Cello And Harpsichord ( Barenreiter)
Bach, Three Sonatas for Cello and Harpsichord ( Barenreiter)
Bach, 6 Suites for Solo Cello, Urtext with Original Facsimile (B
Bach, Three Sonatas for Cello and Harpsichord ( Barenreiter)
This edition of the Brandenburg Concerto provides a modern performance material for Baroque music that fulfils the requirements of performers.
Bach, 6 Suites for Cello, Ed. Gaillard (Schirmer)
Bach, Three Sonatas for Cello and Piano, Ed. Klengel (IMC)
The A Minor Concerto was composed in 1750 and is played more frequently nowadays. In 1753, C. Ph. E. Bach wrote the Concerto in B major Wq 171 while serving at the court of Frederick the Great. Later, adaptations for flute or harpsichord were made.
Bach Six Suites for solo cello Edited by George Pratt, Stainer and Bell / Augener edition
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