There are 3 books for Etudes, Op.36 (Mazas, Jacques Féréol):
Etudes spéciales Bk1 (1 to 30)
Etudes brillantes Bk2 (31 to 56)
Etudes d’artistes Bk3(57 to 75)
Transcribed for viola by Louis Pagels
Mazas (1782-1849) was a French composer, violinist, conductor,and pedagogue. The majority of his compositions are studies and methods for young students of the violin and viola. Melodious and Progressive Studies for the Violin, Op. 36 are considered to be an important pedagogic studies for young violin students. They are favoured by many teachers.
Mazas studies provide technical work that covers bowing techniques such as string crossing, martele, detache along with left hand work. The beauty of these studies is that they are also melodious and very enjoyable to play.
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