This famous folk song originated in County Derry in Northern Ireland in the mid-1800s, first published in 1855. Though there are other settings for strings of this beautiful ballad already in print, this intense and concise David Bobrowitz arrangement captures the expressive moments inherent in the melody, and makes them approachable by less experienced orchestras. Enjoy this quest for truly moving musical moments with your students and audience.
This gorgeous string work would be appropriate for any concert, but would be especially fitting in a memorial concert. Starting with a haunting piano chord progression the solo piano leads to a melancholic melody in the violins. The B section then gives the cellos a chance to show off their abilities to emote. After the piece builds to an intense forte it gradually fades back into the opening chord pattern. This unusually beautiful string work will leave your audience moved emotionally and impressed with your groups ability to play with great sensitivity and expressiveness. (3:49)
Space Ninja is an energetic piece for young orchestra and percussion. Featuring an accentuated spiccato rhythmic melody, this composition combines Eastern sounds with sonorous Western harmonies. It is a great piece to introduce the key of C Major/A minor to a young string group, and the excitement generated by the unique rhythmic approach and percussion will provide for a great change of pace on any program. (1:48)
In this wonderfully evocative piece of music Bobrowitz describes a deep water dive to find a long lost city. This compelling musical journey conveys a sense of ever-deepening awe at the magical underwater seascape. All sections of the orchestra contribute to the melodic fabric of this unique musical journey. (4:16)