Cassado, Canzone E Pastorella For Cello And Piano
Cassado, Canzone e Pastorella for Cello and Piano
Casorti, Bow Technique Op. 50 for violin (Edition Peters)
Casorti, Bow Technique Op. 50 for violin (Edition Peters) Composer's Note My aim in publishing this work is to demonstrate to young violinists the importance of the study of bowing, of a supple wrist, and, above all, of flexibility in the finger-joints of the right hand. The bow represents, in a measure, the human voice; by it the tone of the violin is produced; with the bow great artists captivate, charm, and enrapture their hearers. I am convinced that those who carefully observe my directions will develop a sympathetic tone and an elastic and elegant style of bowing. Aug. Casorti
Cassado, Canzone e Pastorella for Cello and Piano
Cassado, Toccata for Cello and Piano (Universal)
Cassado, Requiebros for Cello and Piano
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