Alleuia - Although it is in the key of A minor, this piece has a joyful, optimistic feel. The first violins and celli need to have a good technique and, whilst the inner parts are not difficult, the intonation needs to be very secure. Baroque bowing techniques should be employed here, using crisp martelé strokes on the quavers and smooth detaché strokes on the semiquavers. Suitable for a more advanced High School Ensemble. Hear Me O Lord - The use of vibrato and 3rd position are essential in this piece. Contrasted dynamics and beautiful tone will enhance the quality of the performance. It is suitable for a more advanced high school group to encourage listening for pure intonation and projected sectional solo lines. Sustained bowing, with an even tone is desirable. This piece was inspired by a choral work, using text from the Book of Psalms.
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