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FJH Music Company

The FJH Music Company, Inc. was founded in January 1988 by Frank and Gail Hackinson. The company offers various educational print music, including piano, concert band, string orchestra, chamber music, and jazz ensemble publications. It also provides innovative methods for school band and string orchestra. The company is known for its creative and pedagogically sound educational music for teachers.

FJH Music Company

105 products.

Showing 1-12 of 105 item(s)

A Long Way From Home (FJH)

Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child

Composer: African-American Spiritual

Arranger: Carrie Lane Gruselle

Publisher: FJH Music Company

Series: FJH String Orchestra

Stock Code: ST6469

$144.00 Price

Trailblaze (FJH)

Composer: Rick Hirsch

Publisher: FJH Music Company

Series: FJH String Orchestra

Stock Code: ST6471

$144.00 Price

Get Reeling (FJH)

Composer: Neridah Oostenbroek

Publisher: FJH Music Company

Series: FJH Developing Strings

Stock Code: ST6472

$132.00 Price

Wait For The Wagon (FJH)

Composer: American Folk Song

Arranger: Carrie Lane Gruselle

Publisher: FJH Music Company

Series: FJH Beginning Strings

Stock Code: ST6479

$120.00 Price

Overture To Rob-Roy (FJH)

Composer: Hector Berlioz

Arranger: Robert D. McCashin

Publisher: FJH Music Company

Series: FJH String Orchestra

Stock Code: ST6463

$156.00 Price

Subterranean (FJH)

Composer Kathyrn Griesinger

Publisher FJH Music Company

Series FJH Beginning Strings

Stock Code ST6470

$108.00 Price


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