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Musical Passion Miracle at Animato Strings

★★★★★ (5.0)

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  • Taim Learning.
    By: Serena Severino On 29/06/2024
    ★★★★★ (5.0)

    Waiting a couple of more months to come to your concert? Well done Taim your parents can be proud of you.
    Five stars Plus.

  • So proud of you?
    By: EUGENI SALOUM On 28/06/2024
    ★★★★★ (5.0)

    I am Taim’s mother.. How proud I am of you, my prince. I hope to provide you with all your needs, because I see a wonderful future in your eyes.. I love you.?

  • TIAM well done.
    By: SEVERINO SERENA (vitamin C man from dry State of Western Australia) On 13/06/2024
    ★★★★★ (5.0)

    It was a pleasure to view TIAM video. Well done mate not 5 star, 10

  • Taim. What a pleasure.
    By: Martin Lewis On 10/06/2024
    ★★★★★ (5.0)

    What a great kid! Thanks for sharing.

  • Thank you Dietrich for this interview and thank you for the lovely comments! ❤
    By: Taim Makdesi On 09/06/2024
    ★★★★★ (5.0)

    This interview was very memorable, I had a lot of fun doing it and I can't thank Dietrich enough!

    My playing was, uh, questionable. But I forgot to rosin my bow, hence why the playing is so skiffy. It was also very cold and I was under a lot of pressure haha!
    Will definitely share this on my Instagram @taim_desi

    Replied by: Dietrich Lasa On 10/06/2024 Hello Taim, please send me your or your father's phone number.

  • Has he really never had a teacher?
    By: Robyn On 08/06/2024
    ★★★★★ (5.0)

    It sounded like he was trying to say that a teacher at school has helped him in some way, but the interviewer didn't want to hear that for some reason.
    Nevertheless, a few private lessons here and there would help him to iron out a few technical limitations he has no doubt come across.

    Replied by: Dietrich Lasa On 08/06/2024 Yes, I also investigated further. He said he taught himself everything, but a teacher at school would give him more music to play but not demonstrate or teach him how to play it.

  • Taim's passion
    By: Vanessa On 08/06/2024
    ★★★★★ (5.0)

    Oh my! What a privilege to be at Animato at the same time as Taim and hearing him play. Best of luck, Taim, and never lose that passion! It is a very great gift and will take you anywhere you choose to go!!! Syria's loss is Australia's very great gain.

  • How Beautiful
    By: Karen On 08/06/2024
    ★★★★★ (5.0)

    Amazing! Thank you for sharing your talent - so great to see ?

  • Passion Miracle
    By: Lingyin Tang On 08/06/2024
    ★★★★★ (5.0)

    This is a beautiful miracle. Learning led by passion IS perfection. I hope Taim shares his talents to the world. He should perform on YouTube and he will find a large audience there. Stunning. Thank you for sharing your discovery Dietrich.

    Replied by: Dietrich Lasa On 08/06/2024 Yes, passion like this is rare and is a vital factor in perfect performance. Loreta Fin suggested that a good teacher would guide him without compromising Taim's passion.


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