Josef Kreuzinger Violin Germany 1924
This is a Josef Kreuzinger Violin Made in Germany around 1924. Josef Kreuzinger was a German luthier whose works were deemed as excellent and professional.
This is the Stainer 4/4 Violin Made in Germany. Jacob Stainer was an Austrian luthier whose violins are being sought after by famous composers and musicians like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Sebastian Bach, and George Somon-Lohein. He was the only non-Italian violin maker to rank as the top luthier in his time before Stradivari.
Jacob Stainer was born in 1619 in Absam, later known as Austria. He was considered one of the best-known Austrian and Germanic luthiers in the earliest years of violin making. His violins were sought after by famous composers and musicians like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Sebastian Bach, and George Somon-Lohein. He was the only non-Italian violin maker to rank as the top luthier in his time before Stradivari.
Stainer’s instruments were sought more by musicians during the period when chamber music was dominant. But when orchestra music took over, musicians began to seek Stradivarius instruments which they believed to be best for orchestra setting because they can produce more powerful sounds. Stainer died in his hometome Absam in 1683, but his instrument designs continue to influence luthiers in Germany, parts of Italy, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.
This is a Josef Kreuzinger Violin Made in Germany around 1924. Josef Kreuzinger was a German luthier whose works were deemed as excellent and professional.
This Friedrich August Glass violin was made after Antonius Stradivarius Flew Copy Cremona. Friedrich August Glass is a German violin maker who concentrated his well-developed skill on producing Stradivarian models. He gained a gold medal for excellent work in London.
• Best Selling Student Model
• Reddish-brown varnish
• Ebony Fitting
This is a German-French Style Violin. This is one of many of Animato Strings' largest selections of new and old stringed instruments in Australia, including Asian-hand-made, European, U.S., Australian, and Antique stringed instruments. Added to the list are the original Animato String brands.
A fine example of the Caspar da Salo Violin, made by C.F. Schuster & Sohn around 1900, as indicated on its label. This violin is known for its distinctive purfling design. Gasparo da Salò, also known as Gaspar Bertolotti, was one of the earliest luthiers and an expert double bass player, with around 80 surviving instruments.
This is an Eduard Tauscher Violin made in Erlbach, Markneukirchen Germany in around 1920. Eduard Tauscher is a German luthier who by obtaining top-quality tonewoods from various sources manages to produce high-quality instruments with warm, mature, and balanced sound full of character and volume.
4/4 Rudoulf Doetsch Violins are teachers' and students’ favourites for clarity and tone projection, as well as their smooth playability and response.
• Clear and good projection of tone
• Smooth playability
• Excellent response
• Multi-layer spirit varnish
• Perfect balance across the strings
This Violin is made in Germany for Knilling (USA) prob. Bubenreuth in about 1970. Knilling Violins c/o was named after Johannes Knilling (1795 -1842), a famous German luthier in the 17th century.
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