Paul Lorange, a renowned French luthier from Lyon, worked in Marseille during the early to mid-20th century. He established his independent workshop in the city in the early 1930s and was known for his fine workmanship on classical models and his use of various shades of red varnish. The violin in question was made in 1932, and it's noted that the handwriting on the violin and his original label may differ.
Paul Lorange, a well-known French luthier, was a key figure in the luthiery scene of Marseille during the early to mid-20th century. Born in Lyon, France, in 1900, he was the son of another luthier named Paul Lorange. After working with a fine luthier named Diter, he established his independent workshop in the same city in the early 1930s. Lorange was known for his fine workmanship on classical models and his use of various shades of red varnish, a signature style that added to the allure of his instruments. His violins and violas, highly regarded for their craftsmanship and tonal qualities, are a testament to his skill. The violin in question, crafted in 1932, is a prime example of his work, although it's noted that the handwriting on the violin and his original label may differ, adding a touch of mystery to his story.
This Andrea Estasi Violin 2014 is one of Animato Strings' most extensive selections of new and old instruments in Australia. Animato Strings offers a range of violins, violas, cellos, and double basses, including new European pieces and antique violins from various countries. They also have a workshop for instrument restoration and set-up. Prices range from under $200 to 100k.
This Violin is made in Germany for Knilling (USA) prob. Bubenreuth in about 1970. Knilling Violins c/o was named after Johannes Knilling (1795 -1842), a famous German luthier in the 17th century.
This is a French violin built by Jérôme Thibouville-Lamy in Mirecourt. It's a sought-after "Compagnon" violin, known for its antique appearance and warm, mature sound.
This is a John Jusek Violin made in Czechoslovakia around 1920 with its label and signature inside. This is one of the finest exported violins of the Czechoslovakian string instrument merchant John Juzek.
This is a Breton Mirecourt Violin made around 1900. Stamped internally Breton, Brevete, De S.A.R.M.e. Francois Breton was a French violin maker in Mirecourt, France who was Duchesse d’Angouleme’s personal luthier.