Perpetual Fiddle Motion By Balmages (FJH)
Perpetual Fiddle Motion by Brian Balmages Gr2.5
Designed as a first concert piece for beginners, this enduring favourite (released in 1968) limits rhythms to nothing shorter than a quarter note, includes no slurs, provides ample bowing reminders, and may even be performed minus basses without sacrificing musical integrity. The percussion part for wood block, however, must be used since its steady quarter-note pulse represents the sound of a metronome.
Duration 1:30.
Perpetual Fiddle Motion by Brian Balmages Gr2.5
Chicken Licken by Chirs Allen for grades 4-6. Pub. Spartan Press.
The Dancing Peppers is a charming and light-hearted piece featuring repeated figures reminiscent of a familiar Mexican theme. The work is fun to play, yet teachers will find it packed with wonderful elementary string teaching points that help encourage both left- and right-hand technical development and refinement.
The musette is a small French bagpipe that gained popularity in Louis XIV's time. It has a consistent G note for beginners. The "Air" is a beautiful tune from Handel's opera "Rinaldo". The set ends with a jolly bourree by the prolific composer Georg Philipp Telemann.
1. Musette
2. Air
3. Bouree
For String Orchestra Grade 2
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