Gaetano Pareschi Violin 1948 (I13)
Check out this Gaetano Pareschi Violin made in 1948. This violin is one of the prolific output of award-winning Italian luthier Gaetano Pareschi that spanned 50 years, from 1924-1974.
Handcrafted in Romanian workshops featuring highly flamed maple back, sides and neck and close-grained Carpathian resonance spruce top.
Check out this Gaetano Pareschi Violin made in 1948. This violin is one of the prolific output of award-winning Italian luthier Gaetano Pareschi that spanned 50 years, from 1924-1974.
Check out this Ryszard Osowski Violin Bronze Plus. Ryszard Osowski is a Polish luthier who gradually perfected the sound and quality of his instruments. As a result, he concentrated more on building his own stringed instrument, passionately pursuing crafting highly advanced violins.
This is the Paul Kaul violin made in France dated 1918. Paul Kaul is a French violin maker who joined several workshops such as Thibouville Lamy, Silvestre and Maucotel, Vuillemin-Didion. He started several workshops on rue Racine, Nantes in 1907, rue du Pont Communeau in 1908, and at 130 Boulevard Brune in 1926.
Lambert-Humbert Frères firm (fl. 1876 – 1969) was a major violin manufacturer in Mirecourt, offering a wide range of models and quality levels, established in 1876 by violin-making brothers Maurice-Emile and Pierre Alexis Auguste Laberte.
This French violin has a powerful sound and was made by Roger & Max Millant in Paris. It has a subtle and radiant voice, showcasing its esteemed origins. This rare violin is in excellent condition, perfect for professional musicians and soloists. Its unique character is sure to impress.
Check out this Mast Fils Violin Dated 1827. Joseph Laurent Mast a French violin maker who branded his violins with the inscription inside that says “Mast Fils Toulouse."
Amati Mangenot made this violin, but he "Italianised" his name and city, resulting in Mageno and Bordo.
Amati Mangenot (1901 – 1966), a French luthier, crafted this violin. He collaborated with the Laurent brothers and later took over Emile Laurent's workshop in Bordeaux.
This is a Charles Claudot Violin. The name Claudot was a popular clan of luthiers in France who have been making violins from the 16th up to the 20th century.
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