Cottonfield Calls And Praising Song By Stephen Chin
Hand-picking cotton is a gruelling task. 19th-century rural Americans sang to support each other. This piece starts with different players for each bar, evoking the image. The "Praising Song" celebrates the end of a tough day. An elementary ensemble will shine playing the double quavers, pizzicati, and syncopated beats.
Cottonfield Calls And Praising Song By Stephen Chin
Hand-picking cotton is known to be one of the most gruelling and physically demanding tasks humans can undertake. In the rural America of the 19th century, the labourers would sing across the field to support each other and make the task seem less daunting. The opening notes of this particular piece of music are played by a different musician in each bar, creating the feeling of a group of people working together in harmony. As the music progresses into the "Praising Song," one can almost hear the jubilant celebration of the end of a long and arduous day, with the workers singing, clapping, and stamping their feet in unison. The performance of this piece requires a high level of skill, with the elementary ensemble being called upon to execute difficult musical techniques such as double quavers, pizzicati, and syncopated beats, resulting in a truly sparkling and captivating performance.
Mazas, a renowned composer, is known for his effective etudes and chamber ensemble works. This duet for two violins, dating back to the early 19th century, showcases the late Classical and early Romantic styles. The music is characterized by sharp rhythms and lyrical melodies, making it an excellent choice for a String Orchestra at level 3.5.
This set of twelve short pieces is for basic orchestras and helps young musicians learn important string techniques. The pieces incorporate hissing, slapping of instruments, foot stomping, and improvisation to make playing in a string ensemble more enjoyable.
After the snowy start, climbers get to work. The fast melody depicts their chiselling on an icy rock face. A calm middle section shows the view from the top before the chiselling continues down. Younger players will love this energetic piece with catchy tunes and strong harmonies.
Kakadu National Park is known for its wildlife. One piece depicts sunrise over the water with improvisation. "Twilight Trek," the second piece, conveys a journey of adventure on foot with staccato notes, pizzicato melodies, and sudden fortes.
Carl Bohm (1844 - 1920) was a renowned composer and teacher for violinists. His famous pieces, "Moto Perpetuo" and "Galop," showcase double semiquavers and highlight the cellos in the latter. The work is shared around for everyone to shine.
Simple music pieces with call-response writing can help beginners become confident playing in a full-string orchestra. Downloadable recorded accompaniments let students practice at their own pace. Teachers can use these pieces to transition students from solo playing to joining a string orchestra.