We have here a Collin - Mezin Violin made in Paris in 1911. Charles Jean Baptiste Collin-Mezin is a French violin maker who started at a young age under the tutelage of his father, Claud-Nicolas Collin. His own workshop started in 1867 at the 14 and 18 rue du Faubourg Poissonnièr in France.
Charles Jean Baptiste Collin-Mezin was born in Mirecourt, France in 1841. He came from a line of luthiers where his father became his first apprenticeship. According to some sources, he worked in the workshop of Nicolas-François Vuillaume in Brussels for a certain period. He moved to Paris and started his own shop in 1868 in which he was established as one of the premier French luthiers in his time. That is because many considered his instruments superior to other new instruments. He created various instruments such as violins, violas, cellos, and basses. He is also a good bow maker. Collin – Mezin died in Paris in 1923.
Check out the Italian Copy of Geovanni Schwarz violin made about 1920. Geovanni Schwarz was born in 1865 in Padua, Italy who by the influence and tutelage of his uncle Eugenio Degani honed his skills, established his own workshop, and won a gold medal in 1916 in Rome Italy.
This is a French violin by Paul J. B. Chipot, made in 1926. Paul John Baptiste Chipot, the son of Chipot-Vuillaume, was a French luthier who established his own workshop in Vendome in 1923.
Amati Mangenot made this violin, but he "Italianised" his name and city, resulting in Mageno and Bordo.
Amati Mangenot (1901 – 1966), a French luthier, crafted this violin. He collaborated with the Laurent brothers and later took over Emile Laurent's workshop in Bordeaux.
This is the Barbet & Granier dated 1879 Violin from Marseille France. Charles Barbet and Edmund Granier of Marseille were at the forefront of outstanding makers at the turn of the 19th century.
We have here a Carl Ertl violin Made in 1870 in Presburg, Hungary. Carl Ertl is a luthier from Presburg, Hungary whose instruments show the style and designs of Schweitzer and Leeb.
Check out this Ryszard Osowski Violin Model BR with Certificate. Ryszard Osowski is a Polish luthier who was able to gradually perfect the sound and quality of his instruments, concentrating more on building his own stringed instrument, passionately rearing towards crafting highly advanced violins.