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Sharp, Keith

Keith Sharp has been a string educator in Brisbane, Australia since 1985. He has a Bachelor of Music Degree and a Graduate Diploma in Further Education. Keith has received recognition for his contributions to music education and regularly appears as a guest clinician, composer, teacher, and conductor at various events. He also co-authors the beginner series Encore on Strings - Music Maestros.

Keith Sharp

74 products.

Showing 1-12 of 74 item(s)

Sharp, The Dancing Peppers For String Orchestra

The Dancing Peppers is a charming and light-hearted piece featuring repeated figures reminiscent of a familiar Mexican theme. The work is fun to play, yet teachers will find it packed with wonderful elementary string teaching points that help encourage both left- and right-hand technical development and refinement. 

$99.00 Price

Sharp, Haydn's Lost Chorale: The Abbey (Grade 2.5-3) For String Orchestra

Haydn’s Lost Chorale is a revised version of The Abbey, inspired by Haydn’s St. Anthony’s Chorale. It’s scored for string orchestra with optional piano, including violin 3 (treble viola) and violin parts. It features a dotted rhythm, quasi-classical textures and singing themes.

Keith Sharp earned a Bachelor of Music degree in 1984. He's been a string educator in Brisbane since then, creating award-winning programs and compositions. His works are popular in Australia and internationally. Keith is also a clinician, guest conductor, and guest lecturer.

$99.00 Price

Sharp, La Llarona For String Orchestra

“La Llorona” is a 6-minute programmatic piece for a high school string orchestra with optional percussion. It tells a story based on a Spanish/Mexican legend of La Malinche, a noble Aztec girl sold into slavery to Mayan merchants. The music starts with an Entrada, signalling the arrival of the Spanish fleet led by Cortés, who colonized Mexico.

La Malinche was a translator and mistress to the conqueror Cortés. She had twin boys with him, but when he was convinced to return to Spain with a Spanish aristocrat, La Malinche realized the hopelessness of her situation and drowned herself and her children in a nearby river.

$132.00 Price

Sharp, Far From Home For String Orchestra Grade 2

"Far From Home" is a beautiful 1.45-minute piece by Keith Sharp for string orchestra. It is suitable for Grade 2 players and has a wistful melody that explores rich G-string sounds. The harmony/descant and bass parts are optional, and there's an optional vocal line too. This flexible piece is an excellent addition to your library.

Keith Sharp is an award-winning string educator and composer in Brisbane, Australia. He received his Bachelor of Music degree in 1984 and a postgraduate diploma in education in 1995. Keith is also involved in the music education community as a clinician, guest conductor, and lecturer.

$110.00 Price

Sharp, Fernando's Tango (Grade 2) For String Orchestra

Fernando’s Tango is a rhythmic piece featuring a dotted rhythm throughout. The cello, Double bass, and Violin 3/violin treble parts offer beat stability, while the first Violins have an easy-to-play tango descant. The ensemble pack includes Unison Melody parts for Violin, Viola, and Cello and can be tailored to suit different playing standards.

Keith Sharp is a string music teacher in Brisbane, Australia. He earned his Bachelor of Music degree in 1984 and a postgraduate diploma in education in 1995. He creates award-winning string programs and compositions popular in Australia, the United States, Great Britain, and Germany. Keith is also an active clinician, guest conductor, and guest lecturer.

$99.00 Price

Sharp, Fiddle Fever For String Orchestra

Fiddle Fever by Keith Sharp is a lively country-style music piece for string orchestra. It has memorable intertwining lines passed among the sections, supported by a bass line and an optional piano accompaniment. Perfect for all ages, this piece will make you tap your toes and enjoy some real toe-tappin' fiddlin' with your partner!

Keith Sharp is a celebrated music teacher in Brisbane, Australia. He has a Bachelor of Music degree and a postgraduate diploma in education. Keith is known for his exceptional string programs, ensembles and compositions. His music is popular in Australia and internationally. Keith is often invited to work as a clinician, guest conductor, and lecturer.

$99.00 Price

Sharp, Fiddler's Farewell For String Orchestra (Grade 2.5)

Fiddler's Farewell is a beautiful Gaelic-style music piece for middle and high school string players. It allows expressive playing with emphasis on phrasing and dynamics. Keith Sharp's arrangement involves all players with melody, harmony, and accompaniment roles. The music has technical challenges and lyrical possibilities to keep all ensemble members engaged. An optional piano part is available, but it is not essential. Graded at level 2.5, it's 3 minutes and 15 seconds long in E Aeolian Mode and related keys.

$120.00 Price

Sharp, Forget Me Not Waltz For String Orchestra (Grade 3)

This musical score offers a charming escape to old-time dancing during World War I, with lovely Mexican touches. Shared themes between sections, informed educational design and a manageable length make it perfect for ensembles. Duration: 2:50 in D major.

Keith has been teaching at Brisbane’s state schools since 1985. He composes imaginative pieces for string students, some of which have been published by The FJH Music Company and Alfreds. Keith has received multiple awards and recognition for his contributions to music education. He appears as a guest clinician, composer, teacher, and conductor at schools, music camps, and workshops. Additionally, Keith co-authors the beginner series Encore On Strings - Music Maestros.

$120.00 Price

Sharp, Glendalough For String Orchestra (Grade 3)

Keith Sharp, a composer who loves Celtic music, has arranged several titles for string students that reflect the folk styles of the British Isles. Glendalough is one of his Irish compositions, inspired by a historic site south of Dublin. It's a beautiful piece graded level 3, with memorable tunes that appeal to middle and high school students. The piece is approximately 3 minutes and 10 seconds long, in B minor and G Major.

Keith Sharp is a Brisbane-based string educator with a Bachelor of Music degree (1984) and a postgraduate diploma in education (1995). He produces award-winning ensembles and compositions that are popular globally. Keith is also active as a clinician, guest conductor, and lecturer.

$120.00 Price

Sharp, Goblin Feast (Grade 2) For String Orchestra

Enjoy Keith Sharp's captivating piece - energetic music with an exciting rhythm. It includes flexible scoring for cello, bass, and an optional extension violin part. Optional percussion adds to the rich sound. Perfect for young ensembles!

Keith Sharp is a highly accomplished string educator and composer from Brisbane, Australia. He completed his Bachelor of Music degree in 1984 and has been teaching in the Gap region since then. Keith has produced award-winning string programs and ensembles while pursuing his passion for composition. His works are popular in Australia and have also gained recognition internationally. Keith is also an active clinician, guest conductor, and lecturer.

$99.00 Price

Sharp, Kings Of Stone For String Orchestra

This flexible musical piece is perfect for directors with musicians of different abilities. It offers easy melody parts for every instrument, making it inclusive. It's also an excellent opportunity to work on tone quality and musicianship.

Keith Sharp earned his Bachelor of Music in 1984 and is a string educator in Brisbane, Australia. He completed a postgraduate diploma in education in 1995. Keith has produced award-winning ensembles and compositions popular in Australia, the USA, the UK, and Germany. He is also active as a clinician, guest conductor, and lecturer.

$99.00 Price

Sharp, Little Bit O' Sparkle (Grade 2) For String Orchestra

Keith Sharp's contemporary piece in D major is enjoyable to play and suitable for beginners. It features echo effects and melodious accompanying lines and is graded as a B for primary school and a C for high school.

Keith Sharp earned a Bachelor of Music degree in 1984. He's been a string educator in Brisbane since then, creating award-winning programs and compositions. His works are popular in Australia and internationally. Keith is also a clinician, guest conductor, and guest lecturer.

$99.00 Price


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