Konrad Kohlert Violin
This is the Konrad Kohlert Violin. Konrad Kohlert's violins, violas and cellos have been produced in his workshop since 1987, and are valued worldwide for their sound and craftsmanship.
We have here a Carl Ertl violin Made in 1870 in Presburg, Hungary. Carl Ertl is a luthier from Presburg, Hungary whose instruments show the style and designs of Schweitzer and Leeb.
Carl Ertl is a luthier from Pressburg, Hungary who worked there from 1835 until he died in 1870. He was believed to be the pupil and son of Jacob Ertl. His instruments show the style and designs of Schweitzer and Leeb.
This is the Konrad Kohlert Violin. Konrad Kohlert's violins, violas and cellos have been produced in his workshop since 1987, and are valued worldwide for their sound and craftsmanship.
This is the Stainer 4/4 Violin Made in Germany. Jacob Stainer was an Austrian luthier whose violins are being sought after by famous composers and musicians like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Sebastian Bach, and George Somon-Lohein. He was the only non-Italian violin maker to rank as the top luthier in his time before Stradivari.
A violin made and labelled in 1917 by Leandro Bisiach (1864 – 1945) of Milan, an Italian violin maker born in Casale Monferratos, known as the father of violin makers in the Bisiach family.
This violin was made in 1854 in Fermo, Italy by Andrea Postacchini, a skilled Italian luthier known for producing high-quality instruments with exceptional tonal quality.
Check out the Italian Copy of Geovanni Schwarz violin made about 1920. Geovanni Schwarz was born in 1865 in Padua, Italy who by the influence and tutelage of his uncle Eugenio Degani honed his skills, established his own workshop, and won a gold medal in 1916 in Rome Italy.
This is a Charles Gaillard 1867 Violin. Charles Gaillard was an apprentice of the prominent French violinmaker and restorer, Charles Adolphe Gand.
Ref. F007
Lambert-Humbert Frères firm (fl. 1876 – 1969) was a major violin manufacturer in Mirecourt, offering a wide range of models and quality levels, established in 1876 by violin-making brothers Maurice-Emile and Pierre Alexis Auguste Laberte.
Manighetti Violin made in 1938 in Turin, Italy
Manighetti is a Corsican word that means "sleeves." Corsica is the smallest region of metropolitan France by population.
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